YogaHour Strule Arts Omagh 7 to 8pm and Beginners yoga 5.30 to 6.30 . The photo below was taken last Thursday 10th . YogaHour An accessible, affordable, and expertly taught flow-form class for the fit beginner is starting to take off here in Omagh. Those who come every week notice big changes not only in their bodies, but also in their lives. I notice it in the new faces that show up to join the class. New people solely coming because of word of mouth and recommendation. I notice it in peoples faces, gradually softening over the weeks and months of practise . I notice it in the way people walk and carry themselves .
What people have said to me is that by adding in just one more YogaHour practise a week, they are stronger, more flexible, have an ability to respond to situations instead of reacting, have more control over their lives, able to recover quicker from mood downturns , from physical illness, are less inclined to get colds and flue, are generally happier and at ease in the world for longer spells of time.
Those who came because they are unhappy with the shape of their body soon discover a contentment with how things are, and as folk come to practise and keep practising very,very gradually their bodies start to respond and others begin to remark on how well they look .
The recent production of my own yoga sequences and making them available to all classes has further inspired people to get on the mat during the week between classes. The active practise of working with a pre sequenced set of poses actively engages the participant so that the practise itself becomes less of a passive experience, thus enabling the practitioner to progress much more quickly.
Christmas is a difficult time for many. Having a consistent yoga practise, gradually over time starts to erase unhealthy food, drink habits and even addiction problems. It does not replace one addiction with another but instead gives you access to something greater. This, becomes more attractive than any short term high, one simply starts to loose the desire, looses the need for the comfort of alcohol or over indulgence . I know having a solid yoga practise over the festive time helps keep me grounded and content in myself. Try it out.#marellafyffeyoga
YogaHour with Marella |
Those who came because they are unhappy with the shape of their body soon discover a contentment with how things are, and as folk come to practise and keep practising very,very gradually their bodies start to respond and others begin to remark on how well they look .
The recent production of my own yoga sequences and making them available to all classes has further inspired people to get on the mat during the week between classes. The active practise of working with a pre sequenced set of poses actively engages the participant so that the practise itself becomes less of a passive experience, thus enabling the practitioner to progress much more quickly.
Christmas is a difficult time for many. Having a consistent yoga practise, gradually over time starts to erase unhealthy food, drink habits and even addiction problems. It does not replace one addiction with another but instead gives you access to something greater. This, becomes more attractive than any short term high, one simply starts to loose the desire, looses the need for the comfort of alcohol or over indulgence . I know having a solid yoga practise over the festive time helps keep me grounded and content in myself. Try it out.#marellafyffeyoga